Having great sex is an important part of any healthy relationship. Not only does it bring pleasure and satisfaction, but it can also deepen the connection between partners.

But having better sex isn’t always easy – it can take effort to learn how to make it really special for both parties. In this article, we’ll explore some tips for having better sex while dating so you can enjoy every intimate moment together.

Communication is Key

In the context of dating, communication is key to having a successful relationship. Communication involves both verbal and non-verbal cues that allow partners to understand one another. It helps build trust, understanding, and respect in relationships by allowing partners to share their thoughts, feelings, and needs changing needs and expectations with each other.

When it comes to communication in relationships, openness is important – both partners need to be willing to share their thoughts and feelings with each other without fear of judgment or criticism. This allows for honest conversations about topics like wants, needs, expectations, boundaries, and desires. Communicating openly also creates an environment where differences can be discussed without either partner feeling attacked or unheard.

When couples can communicate effectively they are able to resolve conflicts quickly and easily instead of letting them linger unresolved for days on end.

Get Creative

Getting creative in dating can be an exciting and rewarding way to show your partner that you care. From finding new places to go on dates to coming up with fun activities, getting creative can help keep things interesting and make the relationship stronger. One great way to get creative is by planning surprise dates.

You can surprise your partner with tickets for a show, dinner at a new restaurant, or even a weekend away. This kind of thoughtful gesture will not only be appreciated by your partner but also give you an opportunity to spend some quality time together.

Another idea is to come up with unique date night activities that are tailored specifically for the two of you.

Experiment with Different Positions

Experimenting with different positions in the context of dating can be a great way to explore and expand upon your sexual relationship with your partner. This can involve experimenting with different physical positions, such as standing up, lying down, sitting up, or even trying out new angles and techniques when engaging in sexual activities. It is also important to experiment with different psychological positions as well.

For instance, if you are accustomed to taking a more dominant role during sex it can be beneficial to switch roles and let your partner take control for a while. This could include making them the decision maker or allowing them to have the lead in initiating certain activities and deciding how far you are willing to go. Experimenting with different positions can also involve exploring new boundaries together or introducing new toys and tools into the bedroom for added excitement and pleasure.


When it comes to having better sex, FetLife is an online dating app that can be a great resource. FetLife allows you to connect with like-minded people who share your same interests and desires when it comes to exploring and enjoying different aspects of sexuality.

With FetLife, you can find people who are interested in BDSM, polyamory, and fetishism—all of which are potentially great ways to spice up your sex life. FetLife is not only a great way to meet potential partners for sex, but also provides several tools that help facilitate better communication between partners.


ComeWithYou is a great dating website for those looking to improve their sex life. It has a wide range of features that can help users find the perfect partner and make sure they have better sex. The search feature allows users to filter by various criteria, including age, location, and sexual orientation.

Plus, the detailed profiles include information about what kind of sex the user is interested in having. This helps to ensure that users find someone who shares their interests and desires so they can have more enjoyable experiences together. ComeWithYou offers tools such as chat rooms and private messaging so users can talk with potential partners before meeting up in person.

What techniques can couples use to increase intimacy and pleasure during sex?

Intimacy and pleasure during sex are essential ingredients to having a satisfying relationship. Fortunately, there are many techniques couples can use to increase both of these elements. Here are some tips that can help you both experience greater intimacy and pleasure during sex:

1. Communicate openly – Communication is key in any relationship, but it’s especially important for achieving a deeper level of intimacy and pleasure during sex. Talk about your desires, fantasies, likes and dislikes before getting physical so you can make sure you’re both on the same page and comfortable with the situation.

2. Get creative – Trying new things such as role-play or playing with different positions will add excitement to your bedroom activities.

How can partners create a more positive sexual environment while dating?

Creating a positive sexual environment while dating starts with communication. Partners should strive to be open and honest about their wants, needs, desires and boundaries when it comes to sex. This can help create an atmosphere of trust and respect that can make the experience more enjoyable for both parties. Partners should take time to get to know each other’s likes and dislikes by discussing them in detail before engaging in sexual activities. Taking turns expressing your fantasies, asking questions, and exploring each other’s bodies can be a great way to build intimacy while having fun. It is also important for partners to sext no sign up practice safe sex by using condoms or other forms of protection whenever possible.

What strategies can people use to help improve communication and understanding between partners when it comes to their sexual needs and desires?

1. Talk openly and honestly: Have an open dialogue with your partner about your sexual needs and desires. This can help create a safe space to communicate and make sure that both partners understand each other’s boundaries, interests, and expectations.
2. Respect each other: Make sure to respect each other’s opinions, feelings, and preferences when it comes to sex. This will help build trust between the two of you so that you feel comfortable discussing issues related to sex in a respectful manner.
3. Be patient: If either person is unsure about something or uncomfortable talking about it, be willing to give them time to process their thoughts before continuing the conversation.